Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay in a new episode. Life as a parent tends to get particularly busy as the school year ends and summer break begins. That has certainly been the case here. And since this podcast is already less frequent than most, a delay can feel much longer.
Don't worry, a new episode will be out shortly. But you'll have to wait just a little bit longer. I'm heading out to "The Amazing Meeting 8" (TAM) this week. I can't wait. My skeptical batteries certainly need a bit of charging!
If you're tapped into the skeptical community, there should be no shortage of TAM info flowing your way this week. If you'd like one more source, feel free to follow me via Twitter (@factually) for my own tidbits of info.
P.S. In the next episode we're going to learn what the "helping process" (as opposed to lecturing and criticizing) and critical thinking have in common. HINT: everything!!!